Buying your first home is a major life achievement. Financial planning, along with deciding your needs and desires for a house are essential to ensuring the process of purchasing your first home goes smoothly. If your are considering purchasing your first house, read this before you start the home buying process.
Every year on February 14 we are faced with another Valentine’s Day. For singles and couples alike, the pressure is on to celebrate this day of passion. The task of showing your love doesn’t have to be cookie cutter. There is more to romance than fancy dinners, roses and chocolates. An adventurous, fun day, possibly outside your comfort zone, can create a special memory. Break away from routine Valentine’s Days with these four unconventional Valentine’s Day activities in Bowmanville and Vaughan.
- Volunteer on Valentine’s Day at the Clarington Animal Shelter
“My most important task as Falconcrest Homes customer service manager is to make sure our homeowners receive the attention they deserve and they are happy in their new home,” stated Cheryl.
Cheryl Render’s love for new home construction along with her natural people skills made customer service manager a perfect career choice for her.
Cheryl explained, “What I love most about being a customer service manager for new home construction is that I am always learning. Each new subdivision brings its unique experiences, which keeps my job new and fresh. I also enjoy the challenge of working with people and doing everything I can to make their new home building experience a positive one.”
Read MoreLighting is a subtle but essential decor accessory in the home. The right style, shape, colour, and size of a light fixture, along with varying degrees of light and shadow, can give a home a designer look. With a few simple and inexpensive lighting tricks, every space, from the formal living room to the bedroom, can be transformed from a dull to a designer look. Read on for tips on how to use lighting to create a designer look in your home.